Family story 2023

Living at Tzamarot, Herzlia

Liad called and woke us up early to say that she had started labour. I drove her to Ichilov hospital and stayed with her some hours before returning home. She gave birth to Ari later the same day and we held the Brit at our home 8 days later with Shlomo, Elida, Marcos, and Libi’s family. Avi and Hannah also attended as well as Liad and Libi’s friends. We wore masks most of the time.

Knowing that we would be travelling to visit Yaniv, Darcy and the kids in Arlington, we started the process of obtaining visas for the US. Fanny received hers without having to do an interview but I was not so lucky after having had my passport stolen with my visa in it. I could only get an interview like about a year after our planned trip, so we decided that Fanny would go alone. We hired a Visa procurer to try and expedite my interview and finally they succeeded but I received my visa after Fanny had already left and so I joined her 2 weeks after she arrived there.

While waiting, Ilana, Nestor, Avivit and Uzi came to visit from Uruguay and I hosted them at Tsamarot.

By this time Yaniv and Darcy separated. This was very painful for all but they have maintained a good relationship. We stayed at Dave, Marsha and Darcy. Stav, Lily and Galit were alternating between Yaniv and Darcy but we got to be with them just about every day. Together we went to see the famous Luray Caverns and also spent a few days at the cottage at Kilmarnok, the place that reminds me so much of the “farm” on the Vaal River from my childhood.

Ariel Shneider (Wittenberg) lives in Arlington and we went to visit. WE missed seeing Barbara and Larry by a few days who had come from Boston for Pesach.

I flew to Los Angeles to visit Alon and Lennon. Lianne was visiting her Mom in Zimbabwe and Noa was at college so I missed them. Alon and I had a good time together. The visit did good to our relationship and I am very glad I went there. We had a mini family reunion at their house and it was great seeing the LA family.

Fanny and I went to visit Tahel who by now had finished her research in Krakow and Auschwitz and was now doing it in Warsaw.

Yaniv and the kids came for a month towards the end of the summer holidays. Being at the pool was a joll for all of us and so were 2 outings to Sachne and Park Allona.

Dave and Tali visited and stayed with us just missing seeing them. Dave and Lavie made a nice connection.

We celebrated Ari’s 1st birthday in the park of Glil Yam.

This time Fanny and I went to the US for Pesach. Fanny arrived in Arlington with Covid and she stayed distanced from everyone and me while I prepared the seder according to her instructions. Fortunately noone else became sick.

Fanny and I travelled by bus to New York City for 1 night and we met up with David, Patricia and  Talia Kagan.

Liad & Libi, too, separated. Thankfully, they maintain a good relationship, are still working together and we see them, Lavie and Ari several times a week.

Ben and Daniel held a Brita for their baby, Niv, at the Picolini restaurant in Jerusalem.

Shlomo passed away on the 26th June at the age of 101. I am using his tools almost every day when I repair stuff.

Darcy & the kids came to visit for 3 weeks in the summer and together with Liad, Libi, Lavie and Ari we spent a few days at a zimmer in Menachemya. It was hot! Around 42 degrees Centigrade so we spent a lot of time in the pool and in the air conditioned interior.

On Yom Kippur, Liad, Ari and myself rode to the beach.

Then the “7th October” happened. It is still going on as I write this. It has been traumatic.