
Statue of Gilgamesh and Humbaba's head

Statue of Gilgamesh and Humbaba’s head. Museum of the Near East, Chicago.

We are not gods, we cannot ascend to heaven. 

No, we are mortal men. Only the gods live forever.

Our days are few in number, and whatever we achieve is a puff of wind.

Why be afraid then, since sooner or later death may come?

… I will cut down the tree; I will kill Humbaba; I will make a lasting name for myself;

I will stamp my fame on men’s minds forever.”

Gilgamesh – The Epic of Gilgamesh, 2000 BCE.

During the past few years I have chronologically arranged the negatives, prints, slides and digital files of more than 50 years of photography into a manageable, easily viewed database. Each photograph has been given keywords (tags).

My history in photography began when I was eight years old.

Studying these photographs as a personal history has led me to an understanding of why I create. The Self-Portrait project presents this idea and at the same time serves as an example of it.

In tracing my physical and spiritual development I have become aware of the idea that the history of a unit, be it organic or inorganic, reflects the history of life and the cosmos.

The Areas in my Life project describes my Life Story.

Pages in Themes are the result of searching the database for specific keywords.

Articles. Stuff that I pen from time to time.

I invite you to select a project from the menu above or from the sidebar.


5 thoughts on “Home

  1. I have loved viewing your album. I will share this with Rosie over the weekend. Surely, a life well lived. Thanks for sharing. I’ll send this link to Annette and Elaine in Charlotte NC. As I paged through your earlier years it evoked so many memories. I wish that I had not lost so many pictures through my 60 years. Your photography is beautiful. It was a site worth paging through. Elain

    • Hi Elain,
      Thanks for your kind words. We have all seen the move from B&W to Color in our lives and most of the color photos from our youth are fading and will no longer exist in the not too distant future. Now is the time to digitize them so that you may not lose more.
      Love to Rosie,

  2. Dear Leon, I enjoyed your pictures especially the ones of your family in Bertrams and Lithuania. Like you I took photos but mine are lost and I’m trying to recreate my family’s life in Bertrams in th 1920’s and 30’s their name is Zilibowitz. Perhaps someone visiting your site has heard of them and can tell me about those days. Thanks. Yours Truly Leon Gork. I live in Jerusalem lgork@icloud.com

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